Meet Lauren

Hi y’all! Welcome to my page! I hope you are enjoying all of the recent sessions so far (if you haven’t had a chance to check them out, you totally should under the Recent Work section). I can only imagine that you are on this part of the site to get to know a little more about me, so here ya go!I am a small town girl who lives in the big city of Houston. I’m still adjusting at times, even after several years (insert wide eyed emoji). I’m not a perfect speller or a stickler on grammar (you might see a typo or two, eek! Sorry to all my grammar friends. I know you love me for who I am.) I have an amazing husband who has supported me and my love for photography for many years. I am a mama of three kids, whom I adore, and I love being able to capture them as they grow up. I’m a lover of coffee (especially Starbucks), Dr. Pepper (yes I know that’s pretty much all caffeine, but that’s how I run y’all), and an espresso martini!

All right, now to why I do what I do….I’ve had a love for photography since I was in high school, and it has continued to grow and evolve over the years. I love everything about capturing moments with my camera, from the little girl twirling in her dress, or the young man pretending to fight the dragons, to the anxious mother and father waiting for their baby to be born and the first few days of that baby’s life. I loved being able to be behind the lens of a couple reminiscing their long marriage, a madly in love couple waiting for their wedding day, or an eager high school senior about to embark on a new chapter in their life. These are the moments that make me have THE BEST JOB EVER.

I hope that I can capture those special moments for you and be a part of your lives for years to come! Please feel free to ask me any questions you might have! Know that I would be honored to be your photographer!